Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Get out of the back seat

My dad was driving.

I never sit in the back when I'm the only passenger, not even in cabs, but I was here.

I couldn't get this song out of my head, but every time I sang it out loud he'd join in.

This annoyed me and I had to keep the song inside. Even I couldn't hear it now.

I had lollies, some were in individual wrappers. They were all favourites of his. I was pleased to have obtained something that could make him happy.  I was passing them forward and he would take them from my hand.

The ones not in wrappers spilt all over the floor, but he didn't see.

It shouldn't have been a big deal, but it was to me.

I pretended I ate them, and as I collected them, covered in lint, hair and debris, I hoped he wouldn't find them in the bin.